Monday, January 2, 2012

Out With the Old


be a new year, a new lifeĀ 

Happy New Year, all! Here's to hoping 2012 is the best year yet! I'm not really one for New Years Resolutions but every year at midnight I ask my boyfriend what his is and he says "to be standing here with you next New Years"- gosh that boy makes me smile (ok, enough sappiness). But this year  my resolutions are more like lifestyle changes than anything else:

1. To join a gym. Notice this is not "work out every day for 4 hours". Baby steps, people.

2. Pack my lunch every day for work. 

3. Do/Say something nice to someone every day.

4. Curb my impulse shopping.

5. Save for an apartment in the city.


  1. Great resolutions! Happy New Year!

  2. Great resolutions! I'm a new reader from fabulous K. Looking forward to getting to know you.


  3. Love your blog! You have a new follower!
    Happy 2012!

  4. Hey Ashley! New follower from Fabulous K. Love that she asked us to share, follow, and comment on new blogs.

    Good luck with your resolutions! I reallllly need to add your #4 to my list!

    xo Kelsey

  5. I think I am going to try to stick to a schedule this year...

