Well, I'm not going to lie to you. I already messed up my spending freeze. It's not my fault Bauble Bar got a new collection in and I needed
this ring and maybe a pair of studs or two. Now I feel guilty. I also feel like I should check myself into Shoppers Anonymous since I couldn't even make it a whole 48 hours without spending money (what is wrong with me?!). Don't get me wrong- I technically could still shop. I mean, that's why I live with my parents. I have saved a good deal of money doing that and have gotten all of my bills to a manageable amount. I have not spent my life savings on shoes or anything like that. After all, I am not an idiot. But I do need to make some changes. I am planning to move out in the spring and would like $0 in credit card bills and whole lotta cash in the bank. So alas, I must start my spending freeze over again today.

But I thought about a few things as I almost purchased the boyfriend jeans I've been wanting from Gap solely because they are 30% off and tempted me every time I opened my web browser. I do not need those jeans. I have about 15 pairs of jeans. Those jeans will not turn me into Rachel Bilson. They will not make me successful or have a fun time this weekend with my friends. Do they provide happiness? Absolutely. And the thought that clothing can bring happiness may be extremely materialistic but I don't really care. It's a fact.
A ton of other bloggers have done spending freezes and I will be stalking their blogs for advice over these next couple of weeks. Especially
Morgan's and
{av}'s. And I do not mean to make this sound dramatic, because after all it is just shopping. But at the end of the day I really do have an issue with thinking I need all of these great new things when in all actuality I do not. I also think it will be a fun challenge to work with what I've got in my closet currently & see how I can spice things up.
Wish me luck!